The Northwest Boulevard Corridor Plan represents the City of Corpus Christi’s effort to proactively plan for orderly, attractive, and sustainable growth and development consistent with the community’s vision. Thanks in part to a surge of industrial development in the Corpus Christi metropolitan area in recent years, the Calallen area of far-northwest Corpus Christi has experienced recent development pressure for new homes, retailers and services. The City of Corpus Christi anticipated additional residential and commercial development, as well as a new elementary school, in the Northwest Boulevard (FM 624) Corridor.
The plan contains findings from analysis of socioeconomic and physical challenges, including transportation. The plan offers a roadmap to reduce traffic congestion, improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety, preserve and enhance the businesses environment, and beautify the area. The longterm vision for Northwest Boulevard is to be Calallen’s “Main Street,” providing the amenities of a prosperous neighborhood center in a small, tight-knit community. The Boulevard is a welcoming, diverse, and family-friendly place where people go to shop, gather, invest in businesses, play, and raise a family.
The City of Corpus Christi and Asakura Robinson shifted their in- person public engagement online when COVID-19 presented itself in March 2020- one of the first projects to move entirely to virtual engagement for Asakura Robinson. The consultants also interviewed numerous Corridor stakeholders, from TxDOT and Calallen High School leadership to developers and major land owners. The City convened an Advisory Committee composed of public agency partners, local businesses, and neighborhood association representatives, and major employers to advise the City staff and consultants on development of the Plan’s strategies and specific recommendations.
The Plan’s recommendations were grouped into four goals intended to ensure that the Corridor is safe, accessible, and easy for people to get around; prosperous with a strong local economy; healthy for people and nature; and attractive and orderly. Utilities and public infrastructure needs were identified for areas planned for development, in addition to big ideas to improve traffic circulation at the Interstate 69 intersection. Other recommendations included improving traffic conditions near the schools, improving landscape details while balancing the community’s desire for low-cost and low-maintenance, and a shared use trail along the major roadway.
View the adopted plan here.