West Campus Dining

July 2023   College Station, X


  • Texas A&M University


  • Lord Aeck Sargent
  • TG&W Engineers
  • JQ Infrastructure
  • 4B Technology
  • Vermeulens
Key Points

This new facility fulfills three key objectives of the Campus Master Plan Update: to enhance student experience, improve connectivity, and knit the campus together.


The design embraces the outdoors and serves as a welcoming beacon for the community.


The project team incorporated native and drought tolerant plantings to establish a harmonious and sustainable ecosystem.

Asakura Robinson provided landscape architecture services for all phases of this project, with an emphasis on wide walkways, lawn areas for seating, and the addition of native plant materials throughout the space.
As a subconsultant to Lord Aeck Sargent, Asakura Robinson provided comprehensive landscape architecture services for this project. Our approach prioritized the creation of spacious and easily accessible walkways, ensuring a pleasant experience for pedestrians.
We meticulously preserved all significant trees on the site, recognizing their importance in maintaining the site’s natural beauty and environmental integrity.
To further enhance the landscape, we introduced additional lawn areas, strategically placed to encourage relaxation and social interaction.
One of the noteworthy aspects of our design is the integration of native plant materials throughout the entire space. By selecting species that are indigenous to the Brazos Valley or well-adapted to its specific climate and conditions, we aimed to establish a harmonious and sustainable ecosystem. This careful selection not only enhances the visual appeal but also supports the local ecosystem, promoting biodiversity and minimizing maintenance requirements.

UH Downtown Wellness and Success Center January 2023   Houston, TX