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Jessica Young, ENV SP

Jessica Young, ENV SP



Austin, TX


  • Master of Community and Regional Planning, University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture,
  • Bachelor of Science Cum Laude in Neuroscience, Brandeis University



  • Envision Sustainability Professional, 2024

Jessica is a planner in our Austin studio with a focus on climate resilience. She is a problem-solver, an active listener, and a strong believer in the power of communities to protect the most vulnerable among us, even when it is an uphill battle. As a resilience planner, she aims to provide equitable planning solutions that center communities disproportionately impacted by climate change and historic disinvestment.

Jessica originally hails from Massachusetts, where she led environmental protection program work at the state Attorney General’s Office. After moving to Texas to pursue her Master’s degree she was a project manager at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and worked closely with community-based organizations and stakeholders to co-produce the redesigned Austin Area Sustainability Indicators community survey. She has experience leading community engagement efforts for greenway development and working directly with community members and organizations to truly understand their needs and co-develop solutions to tricky problems. Jessica holds a Master’s degree in Community and Regional Planning from UT Austin and an undergraduate degree in Neuroscience from Brandeis University.

Q & A

What’s your favorite type of community engagement activity?
I love meeting in small groups with community members, leaders, and organizations to have an in-depth chat or an informal interview.

What’s your creative tool of choice?
Conversation! I never feel more creative than when I am connecting with others, preferably over coffee and a few snacks.

What project are you most proud of?
Working directly with a community group and our partners to co-create a new research tool with the LBJ School of Public Affairs. We took the time to build trust and truly get to know each other while building something that serves a real purpose.

Recent News by Jessica Young, ENV SP


Asakura Robinson Welcomes Jessica Young

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